Gardner and Hydrick Veterinarians

1803 East Oglethorpe Blvd
Albany, GA 31705


Dr. Hydrick & Dr. Clark

Gardner & Hydrick Veterinarians in Albany, GA

Gardner & Hydrick Vets is a local home grown veterinary clinic that strives to provide excellent care for your pets. We want to be your veterinarian in Albany, GA.

Doctors Dick Hydrick and Allan Gardner, both 1964 graduates of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, came to Albany and set up practice in 1969.With clinics in Albany, Sylvester, and Leesburg, the partners practiced together for over 40 years until Dr. Gardner's retirement in 2012.

The doctors and staff at Gardner and Hydrick enjoy a personal relationship with their patients and owners. They know how stressful a visit to a veterinary clinic can be and are devoted to practicing quality medicine and providing impeccable customer service in order to make the veterinary visit as fear free as possible.

Walk-ins are always welcome! Scheduled appointments are greatly appreciated and will be seen first. Payment is due at the time of service. For your convenience, we accept MC, VISA, Discover Card, Care Credit, and cash.

Our Services


Dr. Haley Hydrick Clark graduated from the University of Georgia in 1998 with a degree in Animal Science and from Tuskegee University in 2002 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine. After graduation, Dr. Clark completed a one year internship at Performance Equine Associates, a full surgical, reproductive, and intensive care facility specializing in horses, located in Whitesboro, Texas. She rejoined her father’s practice in the summer of 2003. Dr. Haley was married to Dr. Charles Clark, a dentist, in Albany Georgia in May of 2009. Both being graduates of the University of Georgia, Dr. Haley and her husband enjoy attending ball games in Athens rooting on the Bulldogs. They have two girls, Wallace Anne and Mari Frances. In her off time, Dr. Haley also enjoys riding horses, photography, reading, cooking, running and other fitness activities. She is a former member of the board of directors of the Albany Humane Society and a former member of the school council at the Lee County Primary School as well as past president of the Greater Albany Veterinary Association.

After Dr. Haley’s first year in practice at Leesburg Animal Hospital, the practice won the Leesburg Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year Award. Haley and Charles’ extended family include an English Cocker named Dooley and two cats, Lavendar and Rosemary.

Dr. Haley Clark


If you feel your pet is in need emergency care this number will put you in touch with the on call technician. The technician will asses the situation, discuss the emergency fees and put you in touch with the on call veterinarian.


Vaccinations Icon


Wellness Packages Icon

Wellness Packages

Cosmetic Surgeries Icon

Cosmetic Surgeries

Routine & Preventative Surgery Icon

Routine & Preventative Surgery

Emergency Surgeries Icon

Emergency Surgeries

In-house Laboratory Testing Icon

In-house Laboratory Testing

Radiology Icon


Pain Management Icon

Pain Management

Full in-house Pharmacy Icon

Full in-house Pharmacy

Flea & Heartworm Prevention Icon

Flea & Heartworm Prevention

Sanitary Cuts & Baths Icon

Sanitary Cuts & Baths

Boarding Icon


Two Kittens


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Awesome customer service and very friendly staff! Just moved here from California and very happy with the prices! Will continue to come back and bring my other dogs! - Tiffany M

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Care Credit Payment Option

CareCredit Patient Payment Plans